

Thursday 20 September 2018

Good news for the police personnel of Gujarat: The biggest relief given by the High Court

Hundreds of Gujarat PSIs have received huge relief from the High Court. The police has removed the Superintendent of Police Sub Inspector for the promotion of the promotion of the police inspector. The state's law and order situation in the state has been very important. If the law prevails in the state, then the high court has not shown the right attitude to stop the promotion process. The verdict will be effective after 3 October. However, the promotion process will be subject to the court's final verdict.

Police Officer
Its two o’ clock in the morning. You wake up to the sound of a drug-addict vandalizing a mobile home. When this happens, who do you call? Not your mother, but the cops. The typical cop faces this situation on a regular basis. A policemen’s life is far from Hollywood; it is quite difficult to work where most people don’t acknowledge your life or job. Most people think of policemen as a nuisance, but cops are much more than that; they save lives. 
Policemen keep the peace, enforce laws, control riots, prevent injustices, investigate crimes, and help people. In small cities, police do different things, while in larger cities, officers tend to specialize. A police